We’ll provide the adventure. It’s up to you to build the memories
Featured Tours
All of our tours are fully customizable
We can customize and tailor-make your trip to suit your specific needs and desires – whatever these may be. Our primary concerns are your safety and comfort; all of our tours have been carefully constructed in a way that will ensure your wellbeing in Peru and also provide you with the best class and comfort available in the country. All of our packages are built to be as fully inclusive as possible while still giving you the flexibility to spend your vacation time as you wish, we offer our clients a truly exceptional travel experience that is both exclusive and fulfilling.

Our team designs a posible tailor-made trip for you

We receive and listen to your needs

We receive your opinions and we finalize details

You enjoy the trip
you deserve
Trip Reviews
Travel brings power and love back into your life
United States of America
Cecilia LeWand
Our experience in Peru was unbelievable. Cultura Andes did everything necessary to satisfy our demand. They organized the perfect private tour for our family. From hotels, transportation and guided tours, everything was excelente. Our group included our two kids 5 & 7 year old. Cutura Andes’ guide did a great job keeping them interested on all the guided tours. My kids were fascinated listening the stories of …
Cristina y Santiago
“Pensábamos que 14 días serían suficientes para ver muchas cosas en Perú; si bien es cierto que vimos mucho, 2 semanas no es suficiente para recorrer todo Perú y disfrutar de las maravillas que tiene que ofrecer. Tenemos que agradecer la disponibilidad en todo momento de Culturandes y su equipo (reservas, contabilidad y los guías), nos ayudaron con la preparación del viaje, una mejor planificación y reserva de …
Brahm Gallay
We have used CulturAndes to select and plan our vacations in Peru. They are very professional, courteous and reliable. We used them to travel to Macchu Pichu, Colca Canyon , Arequipa, and the Amazon Jungle. They have an amazing network of drivers and tour guides who met us at each stop, and stayed with us the entire time. It made our travel truly memorable. We highly recommend this agency to anyone travelling …
Julia Koch and Family
Travelling with „Cultur Andes“ is a pleasure: everything is well organized and taken care of. It starts the moment you arrive at the airport and continues throughout the entire journey up until the moment you leave. One never has the feeling of being lost or not being shown the right things, everybody is eager to please you. We were extremely lucky with our guide, Ayul, who has enormous knowledge of culture and history of his country…
Carola Chaparro Schmiel
Hallo, sehr gerne möchte ich eine positive Bewertung für die Reise die wir mit dem Reisebüro von Milagros gemacht haben abgeben. Die Reise war perfekt durchorganisiert. Wir waren als Großfamilie für 9 Tage unterwegs. Die Bedürfnisse waren etwas unterschiedlicher Natur, da die Gruppenteilnehmer zw. 20 und 85 Jahre alt waren. Während sich der Großteil der Familie durch den 3 tägigenö …
Marta i Maria Mitjà i Galceran
El passat mes d’octubre vam poder dur a terme un viatge que ens feia molta il·lusió i que gràcies a la bona gestió de tot el personal de Culturandes ens va resultar totalment satisfactori. Per nosaltres no només és important que funcionin adequadament les reserves i els serveis contractats, que òbviament també, sinó que al llarg de la nostra experiència hem constatat que el grau de satisfacció en un viatge est …