1-Day Hike to Kiswarani Lares Region

Daily Tour 13 hours
Peru Cusco and Sacred Valley


Sustainable Tourism 2-Day Tour is a new form of tourism. That makes possible to discover the place you are visiting, acting respectfully towards the host community and immersing yourself in its culture, habits and custom. It benefits local people fully and enable them to participate actively in the tourist experience of their region.

Enjoy a fascinating participative demonstration of authentic Andean weaving in the beautiful Patabamba community, the land of weavers. Also learn how to cook the Pachamanca, the Peruvian Delicatessen. You will overnight in the house of the locals and the next morning, you will trekk to Huchuy Qosqo. An Incan archaeological complex which is perched precariously on the side of a mountain with imposing architecture.


If you want to see the citadel of Machu Picchu and its beautiful landscape, then book your trip in advance. Since, the Peruvian government has imposed a daily limit of visits and tickets tend to sell out quickly. Make sure to buy your tickets in time!

Why to choose Culturandes Travel & Adventure for this 2-Day Tour sustainable tourism Peru?

Are you looking for unforgettable memories for this adventure? Culturandes Travel & Adventure want you to have a hassle-free planning and an unforgettable travel experience without any stress and unexpected situations by the hand of its experts travel advisors and knowledgeable local guides providing you:

  • Reliable and high level services
  • Certified Peruvian tour operator
  • Safe transport according to the highest standards
  • Adequate equipment for the activity
  • Detailed and personalized information prior to the trip
  • 24 hour support during your trip
  • Excellent official local guides who will be the star of your trip

We are experts in private and customized tours all around Peru, ask our expert travel advisors to upgrade your experience with additional activities and extensions.

Group services versus Private services?

This is a question we all need to ask ourselves when planning a trip. The answer depends largely on the age, the particular interests of each person and, above all, the economy of each passenger. Below, we list the differences between conducting a group service versus a private service. It should be noted that, in either of the two modalities, you will receive top quality care from the entire team of professionals who will make your trip unforgettable

Group Services

  • The driver follows the stops designated by the tour
  • Groups can have between 15 and 20 people
  • Guidance is simultaneous in English and Spanish for the entire group
  • The itinerary has to be strict to fulfill the daily plan
  • Guidance is available at the same time for the entire group
  • The main advantage of group services is the affordable price

Private Services

  • The driver will make the necessary stops where you indicate
  • Of 5 or more people, the private service has a similar price to the group service.
  • You own the time you want to have at each stop
  • Guidance is in only 1 language and at the passenger’s choice (prior consultation for rare languages)
  • The guide will be available only for you and attentive to your requirements
  • The travel experience becomes much more personal and deep in knowledge

We urge you to get in touch with us so we can design your trip to Peru together, probably combining some excursions in private and some in group services. Our team of experienced voyagers knows what it means to plan a trip of a lifetime as well as the investment that implies, therefore, we want everything to go perfect.



  • Experience a full day on a native community enjoying beautiful Andean landscapes,
  • Participate on the preparation of the Pachamanca, one of the main dishes of Peruvian cuisine
  • Learn all about textiles with expert weavers who will explain you the Inca iconography.


  • Trek to Huchuy Qosqo, an archeological site known as “little Cusco”, that is only accessible by fooT.



Lunch, dinner

Early pick up from your lodging and transfer to Patabamba community (1 hour) enjoying beautiful Andean landscapes along the way. An amazing community reception greets you on arrival with flowers, music and dances. You will be dressed like the local people and begin your activities with a short walk to collect flowers used in the wool dying process. From here, you will have the opportunity to take in the spectacular view of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, which is considered one of the most beautiful natural sights of Peru.

Back in the community, your expert cooks will be waiting for you to prepare the Pachamanca,  in quechua language, which means “earth oven” and translates to a big hole dug in the ground that cooks up an entire meal over hot stones.    While the Pachamanca is cooking, you will be very busy following  the activities of wool shearing, spinning, dyeing, washing and weaving.  Furthermore you will be revealed the mysteries of traditional iconography. After lunch you will continue the activities of ethnobotanical tourism, you will identify medicinal plants and their properties are going to be explained.  You will learn how to make a “poultice” with medicinal herbs.

With this wide range of offers, we are assured to live an unforgettable experience among the weavers of Patabamba.

Overnight in the house of a typical host family

Breakfast and box lunch

Start your trek along a charming path, enjoying a quiet hike around the mountain. During the trek, the panoramic views of the towns of Pisac, Coya, Lamay and Calca as well as many mountains that surround the area are outstanding. After lunch, pass through the community of Pukamarca and enter Leon Punku Canyon, where you will find remains of an Inca bridge and trail. This canyon boasts geological formation surrounded by majestic rocks and boulders that direct the river to Huchuy Qosqo 12099f/3688m, perched on a cliff is one the most renowned archeological complex in the Urubamba Valley, with an imposing architecture and a panoramic view of the Sacred Valley, the Urubamba river and the imposing snowcapped mountains of the Cordillera de los Andes. You continue your steep descent to Lamay village in the ever-beautiful Urubamba valley. Later in the afternoon, your private transportation will drive you back to Cusco, arriving late in the evening.

Ask our experts travel advisors to complete your trip including the impressive citadel of Machu Picchu, the challenging Inca Trail, a visit to the impressive Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, the majestic Colca Canyon, the mysterious Nazca lines or the enigmatic jungle or the Kingdom of the Chachapoyas.


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